Hi there, yes i know that it has been ages that you guys have hear from me...so this is going to be a long one :)
Recently, i felt that my body is overdriven...it's like my life is always in the fast lane and i'm getting all exhausted and breathless...i guessed that, as always, i tried to do too many things at one time and pushed my body too hard...and the worst part is, i didn't eat and sleep well...i've truly truly neglected myself :(...i don't feel "healthy" at all...you know what i mean? So, my resolution for this month of April onwards is to take
GOOD care of myself...to eat and sleep well, to exercise, to purch out all the negative thoughts..to learn to take a backseat from work and enjoy my time with my darlings and most importantly, to put aside time for "MYSELF" :) Well, i felt better already, having put all these down.
Work wise, things are just not the same anymore...my buddy, Yeyng, will be moving over to BPP in a week time, taking over the role of a Business Development Manager...i mean i'm happy for her but i'm going to miss her greatly (Buddy, do u feel my love?)...She is a wonderful wonderful friend and colleague who covered me when i went for my long leave and maternity TWICE...no joke ok!...our initial plan was to have her cover me when i went on my maternity for my 3rd one...hmmmmm...i guessed her tank ran out of oxygen :p Anyway, i just want to let her know that i really appreciate her and i'm going to miss her sitting next to me (*gossiping in-between our shitty work*) and encouraging one another when the tough gets going...All the best to you, gal :)
After the move to Tampines, things are just different at work and i can't help to feel a little bit uneasy...hmmmmm...it's like, with a new environment and a new boss, everyone changes...my ever pragmatic hubby said that it's a good thing coz then we will be more on top of our work and improve...yeah...maybe the changes are good for us :) but i'm not too sure if it's for me (*think! think!*)
On the home front, my 3 babies are generally doing fine...my boy will be turning 2 tomorrow (we just got back from a pre-celebration @ momsie)...Qi is getting closer to her siblings now...of course there are still a fair share of complaints, shouting matches and finger-pointing...lol...but i guess it's part n parcel of growing up together...it's really nice to see them together...yes yes...even when they are angry with each other...hehehe...Debbie is one tough cookie...even though she looks like hubby, she HAS my CHARACTER...STUBBORN and FIERCE...i mean it's really serious business when she's angry...and she will not hesitate to let the whole world knows that she has her tiny tail stepped on...lol...that's my Debbie @ 10mths now :)
What can i say about hubby except that he's THE best :) i really enjoyed the time he is around...then i can put up my feet and enjoy the shortlived freedom that i have...hahahaha...he would trade off his fish farms visits or watching football matches with taking care of the kids anytime (of course, sometimes with me nagging at the sideline)...but the thing is, he will do that for me loh...sweet hor :) he can change diapers, make milk, feed the babies, bring them down for their daily walks etc etc...that's my daddy nanny or nanny daddy :)
That's all folks...it's going to be a long night for me as i'll be logging in to work now...am on leave tmr coz it's the BOSS b'day :)
P/S: Happy B'day Damien, mummy luvs you heaps :)