My MIL took the 9am bus today back to Penang. She will be back for about 2 weeks before coming back again. We are all missing her already...sob sob :( Can see that she "se bu de" damien. But 2 weeks will pass reallie fast and soon we will get to see her again.
After i send my MIL off, i took damien to his PD to have his 1st pneumococcal jab. At first, i was thinking to only let him have this jab after all his compulsory 6-1.
But i worry this worry that, so i decided to let him have it in-between his 6-1. There are so many different and weird weird virus nowadays. You never know right! He cry like nobody business when the doc jab him and even so when I was paying for his jab. He decided to wail and wail and be inconsolable. So no choice, kaka had to rock him and sing to him loh..hmmf.....The jab set me back $180 and i still have to follow up with another 2 more jabs. Wahh *faintz* Suddenly, i like very miss my hubby. Wish he is here with us. Nvm, he will be back monday morning.
Just gave damien a small dose of fever medicine. Not that he is running a fever..but just in case. Nowadays, he makes all those funny funny noises and cooo and giggles when we talked to him. My heart melt each time when he gives me one of his killer smile and when he looks at me intently when i'm speaking to him. I really feel bad for my hubby coz he is always not around to witness all this. No choice coz he has to work. Ohhhh, my menses is way past due. Maybe it's my body hormones re-adjusting to it's pre-preg state OR maybe ***hehehe***
Better dun let my hubby know abt my overdue menses. He always ask me not to "qi cake" him coz his heart not very good. *hahaha* Anyway will keep you guys posted. I'm going to kiss my darling boy now. Tata!
My MIL Darling 'soon'

My hubby cubie kia

last day on my 7days tour of duties.rec your calls on mm condition.didnt kn it was still so early in sin cos here(tyo)alre very bright.immediately after talking to you i search internet on baby fever.hope you rec my sms on sm info.anyway i also did a summary of chk list in case fever happens again in future.most important is do not panic and understd his condition.likewise also cannot treat it lightly.its a learning matter where im ill go thru with you all this process remember ur not alone.another important point is u too got to hv sufficient rest+meal.basic logic:u can only look after him when u yoself is fit.
hang on there ok.ill be back soon and as said b4 ill take over in running the always.
if in doubt on baby condition,always remember this few steps:
-pack his medical book
-traveling bag
-head straight to kk hospital(a&e) if his regular doc not available
of course keep me posted at all time.
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