Hi guys, result's out...Damien's cleared...he doesn't have what we dread that he might have (the "C" thing)...Yipppeee!!!!...A big big big thank-you to Pamela, Weiwei, Shirley and Idy who cried with me...Zoey for her lucky ring...Ginger for sharing her tots and strength with me...Yeyng,my buddy for your prayers and when you fast for Damien...My boss, Isaac for his understanding and empathy (He was the one who got everyone together to pray for us...thanks Isaac, you're truly a wonderful boss and friend)...Serene and Chelsea for your encouragement...my wonderful family who are always here for me...my hubby for being my rock...and to all who are keeping us in your prayers...thank you all very very much...God bless all of you...I really appreciate all of u....Love you guys....
"Xie Xie"
Thank god. Many times i wanted to post you sumthing but i duno what to say, scare i say wrong thing lagi jialat. Only can everyday see u got update ur blog anot. haha... Thank god Damien is fine. Woohoo~
Glad to hear that he is fine!! :)
Don't worry Damien so cute, God will take extra care on him! Cheer for him! Hiphip hooray!
Well just came back from pek and when i was out walking in the st there were lots of baby looks so like mm. U know why they all looks alike? yup all are bh...
Ever since we have mm i think i can soar even better among paxs with kids+babies. i never failed to received complimentary from them. Thats another magic that he gave me.
Im too so glad that he is finally pass out ok by dr quah. Ill cont do what i know best for him that is to pray for him and do more charity.
Even thou i might not understand all those chim medical term that doc described doesnt mean i dont care hoh.
To me the door to my heart is always and will always be open for him-regardless of where i am.
I also would like to thank all those kind friends+family members that supported us thru out this difficult period.
May all of you be well, happy, healthy and wealthy always.
Lastly big thank you to mummy for taking of mm so well when im not in sin. If there is one message that i want to tell him that will be: Damien you are the luckiest boy in sin to have such a wonderful mom. Thx lp
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