For Debbie's case, she has been on milk strike for the past 3 days to protest against her pain and discomfort...poor thing! i'm not sure when she will call off her milk strike...i hope soon coz it pains me to see her not drinking milk AT ALL...and i really mean not AT ALL...not a single drop :( so we have been just giving her plenty of water, cereals, porridge and Gerber Applesauce...on top of that, she's super far, i haven't seen her first tooth yet...can't wait for it to pop up soon.

@Berries Woodlands...checking out their N1 program for Damien
@ Soup Restaurant after Berries...Just Mummy and Me :)
i guess the ku chai promphet thingy doesn't work huh. i didn't do that for my kids.
nope it doesn't...i did that for both of them but it doesn't seems to's supposed to right?
Finally i saw damien back of his hair.. ya.... the "tail" look so beng...
What a "big" boy now... time really flies...
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