Friday, June 11, 2010

Work Sucks

Yes, i know today is Friday...but work sucks big time...i am really hating what i am doing doesn't help when others are loafing on their job responsibilities and we are picking up the pieces...The definition of "Customer Services" seems to lose it's meaning now...the phrase "SOP" and "this is from TOP DOWN management" are seriously one big load of BULL CRAP...SCREW IT !!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

I can feel your "hotness"...

anyway tell urself work after all is work.. you work is basically for your family(kids) hence dont forgot your main objective family most important..

see when u feel we go drink "mosquito" and eat relax..

Aunty Ginger said...

I blew my top today. can't stand them sometimes. I feel better after letting it out. It can be very challenging talking to them. Hai...