Monday, November 10, 2008

Damien's 1st Swimming Lesson @ Marsden Swim School

Hi guys, these are some pics and videos taken during Damien's swimming lesson today...He didn't cry at all...he arm cho arm cho instead....heng!..we are definately going back for more....Enjoy!

Look...i'm going down the slide...1, 2...

2 & the 1/2....


Cathie's coaching damien's on his kicks

1 comment:

mag said...

jus arr in london. still not feeling well but after seeing mm in this blog feeli much better.

he is really cute in water. who knows may one day become national swimmer heehee.

he is really lucky to have mummy that always searching for best courses for him. hopefully one day when he grow up he will go thru this blog to realise how lucky he is.

looking fwd to more stuff in your blog.