X'mas is around the corner...so my hubby and i decided to bring the children to the mall to take a look at the X'mas deco...we dropped by Causeway Point last friday evening....Times are bad now...so i told Qi that we won't be "shopping" this time round...must control spending....just see see look look will do...end up bought a pair of Crocs shoes, long pants and dress for her....told her to take it as her CNY clothes...no choice...cannot anyhow spend $$$ now liao...also dunno whether she understand or not.....

See, Damien more interested to see what he can put inside his mouth....
"hmmm....this seems yummy too....."

hi dear. im in cape town. its really a nice city with cooling+sunny weather. mm really excited when he sees bright lights. will bring him out more often in future.
sq will not ns here fr feb onwards so those who are rostered this flt will also be our last.
please put in more songs ok. really nice to view pics wit music behind it.
ciao and looking forward for more update.
hi baby. in syd hilton hotel exe lounge.its raining here. ct super early. thats why try not to slp too long after flt.
dec seams to be a busy period for us hoh. fr mm hospital-yo medical chks-mm friend 1st birthday party-xmas dinner wit family-sam's big day...
jus cant wait to fly to china to get our ah pui kia his chinese costume.
ok looking fwd for more latest pic.
ciao and take care.
love all..
hi all, pls take note of mien dressing, always in stripe... actually is the mummy who like it lor... so mien got no choice...my poor little bf :(
ps: maybe u should consider to get the little bee costume for him since there is yellow and black stripe hehe...
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