Mummy said that i will have a bb .........

a bb .......
a bb SISTER...yeahhhhhhhh :)'s a bb girl i'm expecting....can't wait......thank you God.....:)
a bb SISTER...yeahhhhhhhh :)'s a bb girl i'm expecting....can't wait......thank you God.....:)
Our X'mas Dinner
Qi giving his Didi his x'mas pressie
My "gan chiong" son
"Hurry up, mummy....."
"What's that, mummy?"
See Idy's feet sticking out under the table...tsk! tsk! so unglam...
Idy & Min Liang
Zoey & Sharon
Pamela & Sharon
"errrr...papa...where's my pizza?"
"hmmm...taste like hawaiian pizza...wait a's my rubber teether...."