Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry X'mas guys...initially my hubby & i decided that we are not going to buy the children any x'mas gift this x'mas as we have already over-shot our budget and yes...TIMES ARE BAD now....however, we could not bear to disappoint the children, especially Qi, who has been wishing for a Nintendo DS Lite...so in the end, we decided to cut down the expense on our x'mas dinner by just
ta pao back some grill food from Cold Storage and increased our budget for the gifts...you should see the delight on qi's face when she tore open the wrapping...she was squealing:" it's unbelievable...it's unbelievable....i got my wish...i'm so happy..." my hubby and i exchanged looks...it's all worth it...at the end of the day, we just want our children to be happy and healthy...Merry x'mas and happy holidays...be safe...Cheers!
Our X'mas Dinner

Got Yayuk a pendant & chain from Citigems

P/s: Look at mien's expression....so funny

Yeahhhhhh! My Nintendo DS Lite...

Qi giving his Didi his x'mas pressie

My "gan chiong" son

"Hurry up, mummy....."

"What's that, mummy?"

"Wow....it's a VTech Dial & Discover phone...hmm...wonder can use this to call my girlfriend?"

1 comment:
I really like all the facial expression from mien.... He really look very funny, and super gan cheong esp the 3 pic, he looked very snobby....
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