Dr.Koh was asking me during my visit last saturday whether i was dreaming for a bb boy or gal....heheehe...when he asked me this question, i knew that he already knew the bb gender...well well well...when he told me the gender of my bb...i was so over the moon...and my hubby told me that i was having this silly grin on my face the whole day....hahahaha....
Mummy said that i will have a bb .........

a bb .......
a bb SISTER...yeahhhhhhhh :)

Yes....it's a bb girl i'm expecting....can't wait......thank you God.....:)
Congrat to MR and MRs Leong!!!
Welcome Baby Debbie...
Damien's pose is so funny. hahahha. Congrats congrats. Ur tummy is growing aldy hor. hehe.
hi mummy. in zurich. its so cold here with snow everywhere. decided to stay in this trip. imagine if we bring mm&qi here-sure freak out hoh..maybe he will arrrrr at the mountain where heidi originated heehee..
Do take care of yourself ok. cu guys soon.
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