Thursday, April 15, 2010

Morning Express

Ok, so hub has decided...Damien is going to continue his half-day childcare @ Star Learners...he decided after our meet-up with his teacher and principal last sat...As parents, our main concern is his health over his academic achievements, esp so when he is still so this time round, we are praying hard as he is enjoying school so much (p/s: 2 days ago he brought my h/p to school and just yesterday, he sneaked his chou chou to
I will be taking leave again coz i'm going to follow Damien's on his school excursion to the Jurong Bird Park on the 28/April...yeah!!! (can imagine Chris rolling her eyes at me...whahahahahaha).

So should i bring Debbie to pierce her ears? i wanted to but the thought of her in pain breaks my should i?

It's Thursday, 1 more day to the weekend...yipeeeee!

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